Brute Norse Podcast Ep. 26: Valhalla Pt. 1 - Fight for your right to party


In the midst of the crumbling Yankee Empire, Eirik plots to evacuate New Jorvik and relive the Migration Era by conquering the Mosel. But if he dies trying, where will he go? What is Valhalla anyway, and what do we know about Norse mythology's most iconic afterlife location?

In this episode we wade through storms of blood and iron to look at the research history of this extravagant warrior paradise. It's a meandering road through source-critical pitfalls, deadly ancestral cliffs, and the grotesque aesthetics of Norse warrior poets.

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Some sources for this episode:

- Bergsveinn Birgisson (2003). Å elska med øyreløs hund og skummel død. Nordica Bergensia 29 - 2003. University of Bergen

- Nordberg, Andreas (2004). Krigarna i Odins sal. Dödsföreställningar och krigarkult i fornnordisk religion. University of Stockholm

- Sundqvist, Olof & Anders Kaliff (2006). Odin and Mithras: religious acculturation during the Roman Iron Age and the Migration Period. In: Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives. Nordic Academic Press: Lund